Sniffing Out the Perfect Home for Your Dog

Buying a House for Your Dog

Let’s be honest—if your dog had a say in the matter, they’d probably be the ones picking out your next home. And why not? After all, they’re the ones who’ll be spending their days chasing squirrels, napping in sunspots, and making sure every corner of the yard is thoroughly sniffed. I’ve had folks tell me […]

The Hidden Burden of Money Shame & 6 Steps To Overcome It

Money Shame

It’s time to get real here (not that we don’t always ;)) I want to talk about something we all deal with but rarely discuss: money shame. Recently on Instagram, I had a fantastic conversation with my friend Renee Spears, former mortgage broker turned spiritual mentor, who has helped me tremendously  with my own financial […]

How The Goché Team Formed

Lauren Goché and team. How the Goché team came together.

Hey there, it’s Lauren! If you’ve ever wondered how a top-notch real estate team like ours comes together, let me tell you—it’s all about finding the right people at the right time. Finding Daisy and Maria changed the trajectory of my business, and changed me as a business owner. Let’s pop the hood on this […]

Deciding What Stays and What Goes: Downsizing with Dana Corey

Let’s be honest, downsizing is one son of a b****.  When you’ve lived in a place for so long and collected all kinds of stuff, it’s really hard to let it all go. But sometimes you just gotta do it. Whether you’re moving because of finances, illness, aging, or just a change, downsizing looks different […]