How The Goché Team Formed

Lauren Goché and team. How the Goché team came together.

Hey there, it’s Lauren! If you’ve ever wondered how a top-notch real estate team like ours comes together, let me tell you—it’s all about finding the right people at the right time. Finding Daisy and Maria changed the trajectory of my business, and changed me as a business owner. Let’s pop the hood on this […]

Deciding What Stays and What Goes: Downsizing with Dana Corey

Let’s be honest, downsizing is one son of a b****.  When you’ve lived in a place for so long and collected all kinds of stuff, it’s really hard to let it all go. But sometimes you just gotta do it. Whether you’re moving because of finances, illness, aging, or just a change, downsizing looks different […]

NAR Settlement Explained + 104 Things a (Great) Buyer’s Agent Does

We’re sure you’ve all heard about the lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors (NAR) going into effect this August. With all the noise and confusion in the media, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. Luckily, over here we cut through the bullshit and give it to ya straight. Let’s dive right into how […]

Home Buying Basics

Entering the real estate scene as a first-time homebuyer might make you feel like you’re trying to gulp down water from a fire hose — an overwhelming rush of jargon and complexities. But don’t let that initial overwhelm stand in the way of your homeownership dreams!  You certainly don’t have to tackle it alone — […]